Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Germany...Immigrants..& Food

In History class we are learning about immigration to the United States in the late 19th century. We all had to choose a people group that immigrated to the U.S and do a small presentation on it, I chose Germany :) For part of the project we get find and make a recipe that that country would have eaten. Germany has a lot of things but whats better then soft pretzels (yes a German food) & berliners (or jelly filled, sugar coated donuts). In doing my project I found soo many interesting facts that I did not know. Most of the food we think of as American is actually German: hamburgers, hot dogs (and other sausages), and of course chocolate. The Christmas tree you put up every year is actually a German tradition, as well as gift-giving Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny :) So many interesting things I never knew. The Germans (of which i am part) are wonderful :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lax Practice....Frozen (first) one

WHOOOOO HOOOOO :) Today was the first lax practice of the season. From 4:15-6:15, from 35 degrees-25 degrees with wind, we made it through :) Being at lax creates a wonderful atmosphere; it was great to be able to be running (even though i hate running the most), catching, throwing, and playing defense again. Our teams a little rusty this year but no worries we can do it! Team work and communication are key, even in the freezing weather. But i am happy to say with numb butts, fingers, toes, faces, lips and a little bit of numb pain we made it through our first practice and i can't wait for our first game :)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Shining Star

I had my first experience going to a black baptist church yesterday with one of my best friends. It was sooo much fun :) Everyone was very welcoming to me, saying hi and asking my name and how i knew Joel (one of my best friends). We had Sunday school first then went upstairs to the sanctuary. Service started and everyone was praising God and and singing loud and saying amen and hallelujah! The choir sang a few songs and then the pastor started his message. It was from Isaiah 6, it gave me a wonderful insight that i had never seen before on this chapter. He talked about how ugly and disgusting we are, but how wonderful and powerful we think we are. He was also talking about God and how if even the angelic creatures cover their faces because they cannot look at him, how can we sinners and wearing filthy rags think we can just talk to God and disagree with him and be in charge of our life? I was very convicted and encouraged throughout the entire thing. I definitely felt at home and would love to go back :) If i can find the message i will post it on here.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

My Buddy :)

Working with special needs kids has to be one of my favorite things to do. Yesterday I got to spend the day with 86 special needs kids (ages 3-21), teaching them dancing and singing. I got to dress up with them and play musical chairs; we even had a dance off (Zac, a boy with autism won)! Watching them dance around and smile was sooo much fun :) They are soo joyful and have soo much love in their hearts. The one little girl was in my group last time I worked with these kids and she remembered me, smiled and gave me a hug. Just watching the kids smile and say goodbye and the parents cry out of thankfulness was a wonderful experience. Then again today i got to spend time with my little buddy at church Calvin. He is three years old and has autism, he cannot talk very well, and today he was very hyper and soo smiley. His mom told me that he didn't sleep last night but surprise at the end of the day he was fast asleep on my lap waiting for mommy and daddy to come pick him up. We had soo much fun today, walking around, playing games, singing songs, making crafts and hearing about Jesus' love for the little children :)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Etiquette Class

Today I didn't have my last two period's of the day (British & American History and Literature), instead we had a lady come in to teach us Etiquette. How to set a table, properly address someone, excuse yourself from the table, eat your food, etc. She had some very funny stories to tell and even a way to remember how everything goes. Surprisingly my 11th grade class had the best etiquette out of 10-12th grades. I love my class :) Only two girls and the rest boys we are like one big family; i'll be sad to see a lot of them leave next year. Totally worth skipping out on history and literature! Though she was very feminist, "girls we are equal to the men and everything does not need to be different for us". Haha though one of my best friends made sure to point that out across the table :p love him. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl Prep

So while my parents are visiting my older sissy in Erie, my aunt and I were put in charge of Super Bowl food :) Shrimp & Chicken Gumbo, Buffalo Chicken dip, veggies, and Dashi Mushrooms (something new i have never made before). Yummy Yummy :) Cooking, country music, and dancing...what could be better! Can't wait for Super Bowl!!!! Let's go Ravens!!!!! :D 

 Oh and i almost forgot, Ravens cupcakes with rings :)